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"In Our Right Minds: on the Sacred Feminine, the Right Brain and Restoring Humanity's Natural Balance."
Award-winning Film & Bestselling Book! by Dale Allen In Our Right Minds is a sweeping journey in a short film and book, judiciously illuminating the history and relevance of the goddess archetype, its impact on societies where this archetype is active, as well as its connection to our right-brain way of both attending to - and shaping - the world. In Our Right Minds garners praise for being “well-researched, organized, clear, level, balanced, without blame, and inclusive of all the human family.”
In Our Right Minds began as a musical theater production. It then became a dynamic one-woman multi-media performance toured to universities, conferences, corporations, theaters, and expos across the US, Canada, from Kauai to Dubai, twice to the UN Commission on the Status of Women. Next, a new film version screened at the Parliament of the World’s Religions Film Festival 2023 in Chicago. The film has been awarded 19 Independent Film Festivals worldwide, and now the new 2024 bestselling book. Carl Jung wrote in The Structure and Dynamic of the Psyche: “Archetypes are the living system of reactions and aptitudes that determine the individual’s life in invisible ways.” In Our Right Minds looks at the invisible yet powerful ways the goddess archetype affects persons and cultures. When a society embraces the concept of a female creator, that society behaves differently than a society that embraces a male deity. As Anthropologist Peggy Reeves Sanday documented, there is a clear connection between goddess veneration and the following: the honoring of nature, women’s role as officiators of sacred sacraments, connection to the land, and women’s power and social status. In Our Right Minds illuminates historical and current consequences of the suppression of the goddess archetype, as well as the ways in which this archetype is being energized globally today throughout diverse cultures, arts, religions, spiritual practices and customs. The message of the work is positive and inclusive, and shines a light on the profound wisdom of your own right brain - wisdom that's available with a shift in your attention. In Our Right Minds coherently and elegantly synthesizes psychology, history, myth, anthropology, sociology, art and poetry into an eye-opening and life-changing alteration of our perspective Just a few things you’ll explore in this book and film:
Archetypes are inward images in the human psyche that belong to all of us. Which archetypes are active in your psyche and in your world? Often, women are afraid to stand out, speak up, be noticed, take leadership, and be in their full power. Learn about the untold history of women and the psychic shackles that remain in us today. Learn also about the history before gender hierarchy was established, and experience the healing that comes when we open to our natural balance. How do our brains work? Inside your own cranium is a profound intelligence that is your birthright. It is the wise perspective of your right brain. Consider body image. Embracing the many forms of feminine beauty, power, and presence is beneficial for both men and women (all humans). See how images of the sacred feminine can be so reparative. You are co-creator of humanity’s future. This book and film will help you discern and harness the role you are here to play. "In Our Right Minds" gives a comprehensive overview of women’s HERstory as differs from HISstory. Dale Allen's articulation, readings and enactments will leave you to understand what has been left out of history, restoring what is foundational to our balance, health and wellbeing - and to the collective co-creation of a positive future. The piece gives voice to a brilliant intelligence that is within each of us – that of the right hemisphere of the brain, the “feminine gatherer-nurturer” side. “In Our Right Minds” garners praise for being well-researched, organized, clear, level, balanced, without blame, and inclusive of all the human family. Dale is a veteran of corporate, commercial and creative communications with hundreds of on-camera, voice-over and live presentations credits. Described as having the energy of “a Cape Canaveral lift-off,” Dale thoroughly engages and inspires her audience, which ranges from highly educated corporate leaders to teenage girls seeking their place in the world. Welcome Home to Your Feminine Wisdom and Your Natural BalanceYou are a co-creator of a new era. Your very presence at this time on earth makes you one of its designers. What do you choose? What are you willing to hold as possible? Every courageous thought of love you have, or action of love you take, resounds in great waves into our world. You count. You matter.
Find your way home to your right-brain, feminine wisdom within: • Watch the film, "In Our Right Minds" • Get your copy of the book, "In Our Right Minds" • Curriculum: Join me with Gather the Women for a Sumptuous 6-week Dive into the Glorious Gifts of the Sacred Feminine and your own Right Brain Wisdom. Join the Course live May 1 - June 5, 2024 from 2-3pm Eastern or participate on your own time with recordings of each session and as part of the online community. • Listen to The Dale Allen Podcast • Work with Dale One-on-One •. Sign-On for once a month emails full of resources, events and inspiration for you! |
“Brilliant and Amazing!!! I just had the pleasure of watching ‘In Our Right Minds.’ Wow! I’m blown away by not only the amazing amount of research that went into this, but by how well Dale Allen wrote it up, and how dynamic she is presenting it. IORM should be a NetFlix special – it needs to get out to the world!” “'In Our Right Minds' is well documented and flows, and I believe it would be an asset in the classroom in many subject areas.” "WOMAN SHINE" Original Song by Dale Allen
from her film "In Our Right Minds" Click below! Described as a "Cape Canaveral lift-off," Dale Allen delivers a powerful shift in perspective! Let Dale guide You on Your Journey to Remembering Where You Came From and Who You Truly Are! "I know that when I first experimented with making "Goddess" a part of my vocabulary, it felt strange, and I wondered why I should bother. I really didn't like the word "Goddess" - it felt uncomfortable and unnecessary. Yet, at a time of crossroads in my life, the term kept rising up from within me -- it was a feminine voice I had never heard. I began to study the sacred feminine -- the erudition of anthropologists, psychologists, feminist scholars, poets, archeologists, and historians. And the more I persisted in my studies of the sacred feminine, the more it was revealed to me just how deeply imbedded the "masculine" hierarchy had been within my psyche. I eagerly saturated myself in the feminine experience of the divine. This was deeply transformative. I felt that a long-lost part of me was being restored -- that I was connecting to the deepest core of my being and finding there a power and strength that was beyond anything I had experienced. It bubbled up within me and turned my perception of our cultural mores upside-down. My foundational beliefs had been pried up just enough to allow me to access the vast and fecund psychic terrain beneath. She Who Dwells Within every human psyche at our deepest collective level, broke free within me. This feminine presence confirmed my gut level "knowing" that hierarchies, war, environmental destruction, a world in which children suffer and grow to repeat the same patterns of pain -- this is not the only reality for humans. A world of peaceful co-existence, harmony with the natural world, honoring of the human body and all life forms - a world in which children are safe and can thrive in the expression of their own unique beauty and divinity - this is our birthright. We can look at history and contemporary matriarchal cultures to see pieces of what is possible." Well-researched, organized, clear, level, balanced, without blame, and inclusive of all the human family. An eye-opener and life changer! Dale Allen at the Parliament of the World's Religions in Chicago
We are All a Blend of Masculine and Feminine EnergiesWe are all a blend of masculine and feminine energies, no matter our gender. And yet, it is the feminine side of humanity (women and girls), and the feminine energy inside all of us, that has been pushed down. Gender hierarchy is not humanity’s natural blueprint, and ultimately, it doesn’t serve any of us. This film, book and curriculum explore the origins of gender hierarchy, and our pathway out of it.
![]() Parliament of the World's Religions 2023
I am so very pleased about the wonderful audience reaction in Chicago at the screening and discussion of my film "In Our Right Minds - Guiding Women to their Strength as Leaders, Leading Men to Strength Without Armor." What a joy for me to experience heartfelt reactions, inspirations, insights and gratitude from the audience in the PoWR Film Festival theater. My work goes into the history we all share, before the rise of the world's religions, and explores the intuitive, empathetic, big-picture right-brain intelligence in All of us. In addition, I conducted video interviews at the first-ever Women's Village at the Parliament of the World's Religions. The new Women's Village was exciting, very positive, peaceful, soothing, beautiful - fully inclusive of all faiths, and coming forth in the spirit of nurturing a healthier, more balanced humanity, with love for each other and the beloved Earth we share. You can find these interviews at the link below. Many more interviews are available to view - please send me an email and I will send you the links! It was an honor to be a panelist on the "Women in the News & Media - Reclaiming the Narrative" panel with Caryn MacGrandle, Frozan Rahmani, Leah Myers, Dr. Marty K. Casey and Colleen Dudgeon, and to moderate the "Evoking, Embodying & Celebrating the Divine Feminine" panel with Phyllis Curott, Jean Shinoda Bolen and Aina-Nia Ayo'dele. |