Thank you, thank you for joining me and all on the Julie Foucht Feminine Business Magic lecture series! I do encourage you, and thank you for watching "In Our Right Minds" with the click below. I have presented this information for 20 years - it is so very needed and truly life-changing - I know, because I've been on the receiving end of the comments, emails, letters and calls from audiences over the years. See Testimonials below. Yes, I am passionate about this - for your sake!
Your "Our Mother" prayer download is here as well. Feel free to email me with your thoughts, needs, colloborative ideas, events - I'm here for you! And of course, the podcasts are available to you as well! xoDale
[email protected]
Your "Our Mother" prayer download is here as well. Feel free to email me with your thoughts, needs, colloborative ideas, events - I'm here for you! And of course, the podcasts are available to you as well! xoDale
[email protected]
Download the pdf below:

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In Praise of "In Our Right Minds"
"This film has to go everywhere - all women need to see it!"
Monica Rodgers, The Revelation Project
“I very much enjoyed meeting you and seeing your film. Your presentation is beautiful. Your voice and the way you present the material is so relaxing. It is well documented and flows, and I believe it would be an asset in the classroom in many subject areas.” Gloria Bobbie PhD (ABD), Department of Anthropology, Chancellor’s Award for Excellence Recipient, SUNY
“Brilliant and Amazing!!! I just had the pleasure of watching ‘In Our Right Minds.’ Wow! I’m blown away by not only the amazing amount of research that went into this, but by how well Dale Allen wrote it up, and how dynamic she is presenting it. IORM should be a NetFlix special – it needs to get out to the world!”
Cliff Pia
"Rich, rich, rich! Rich in knowledge, wisdom and love. Dale, thank you for this brilliant condensation of a massive amount of knowledge which encompasses both pre-written (matriarchal) history and written (patriarchal) history. All done in such a skillful way by introducing this piece in a way that encompasses all people. May your time have come and by that, I mean you have already planted yourself, blossomed and born fruit in women’s wisdom for humanity. Now, may the seeds of your work multiply and blossom across the globe. We need it, we all need this. It is the future of humanity to awaken to what you have presented so eloquently, skillfully, and lovingly. Thank you for your work!"
Vajra Ma, Attendee on March 8th Women's Day Online Global Film Screening and Panel Event 2022
“When I viewed your film, I fell in love with it and was very impressed – not just with the film, but with the energy that radiates from it! I am familiar with the lineage of the divine feminine because of my personal study and my life’s work. When I saw what you were able to accomplish in 45 minutes, covering thousands of years in a way that is organized, isn’t overwhelming, doesn’t stress too much in one particular spot, doesn’t have any judgment or blame - I was enthralled! Hence, our interest at Gather the Women to share this film in a special program designed around it.”
Dawn Gandalf, Martix Convener, Gather the Women
“I very much enjoyed seeing your film. Your presentation is beautiful and your voice and the way you present the material is so relaxing. It is well documented and flows, and I believe it would be an asset in the classroom in many subject areas. This belongs on the major streaming services that educational institutions are using.”
Gloria Bobbie, PhD., Department of Anthropology,
Chancellor's Award for Excellence Recipient, Open SUNY Fellow
Harness Your Natural Strengths with the Elements and Archetypes
with Dale Allen and Dionne Ruff-Sloan – Workshop Attendee:
“Thank you so, so much Dale and Dionne. I'm sure I speak for everybody on our Zoom… I feel like a completely different person - and that's one of the greatest feelings ever - to just be transformed in mindset like that. Especially as a girl (all of us on this Zoom), I know we definitely feel like the world doesn't need us. There are so many pressures around that make us feel that way, so it’s really good to have reiterated for us that we do matter, that the world does need us, that we do have a purpose here, and that we are powerful - even though people tell us we aren't. It's so great to hear that reassurance from both of you, so thank for making us feel better and so much more confident, because that's what LiveGirl is all about - to really embrace your femininity and love yourself - love your authentic self - and not be apologetic about it. Speaking from my heart – thank you.”
Lorrie – April 2022
‘Dale Allen thank you for such an amazing experience with your film and high vibration discussion with the audience. Everyone was so moved and no one wanted to leave! It’s time for a paradigm shift where women and the Goddess within are valued and equal to the Spirit, the masculine principal and men.”
Julie Ryan Gerland, 2022
“Wow... I have goosebumps. I love how eloquent you are in touching on some of the most complex deep concepts that are the core of what I believe. thank you~~~”
Lori Swetlin-Geig
"Your performance at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women for our “In Our Right Minds” Side Event was electric, full of passion and to the point. One of my colleagues said it quite clearly: ‘Dale was so PERFECT in her performance and brought tears to our eyes - she had us all mesmerized!’ On behalf of ALL Women and Girls, thank you! Montage Initiative is honored and proud to have you as part of our team.”
Joanne Watkins, President - Montage Initiative, Inc.
"Dale is an amazing Goddess. She so wonderfully explains the history of women and how to take back the power that each woman was born with, naturally and in a way that is non-confrontational. Not by trying to legislate or other forceful means, but by using the innate methods that are a part of women's natural goddess-given gifts. I had the honor of attending one of her sessions. A wonderful and enlightening experience."
Deborah Tompkins
“Greetings Dale! It was an honor to be a part of the U.N. CSW event, “In Our Right Minds.” We are so grateful that our original song, ‘No Worries’ resonated with you. We’re grateful for the refining experiences that birth out an organic spirit of teamwork, love, and respect. Thank you for speaking life into our careers. We truly feel that it's our mission to stand for authenticity, respect, love, and life!” Raii and Whitney Keaton, Back-Up Vocalist for Alicia Keyes
"Dale, your boundless energy never ceases to amaze me! The rest of us pale in comparison!" Jim Gadzik, M.D.
“You were awesome, impressive! I am so glad that I brought six sister-friends to see you at the U.N. CSW! You just keep getting better!” Marilyn Nyborg, Women Waking the World
“You were powerful! I loved being at your U.N. CSW presentation. I brought friends so they could experience you too!”
Carole Thomassy, Goddess Remembered
“Hey, just wanted you to know… I'm a guy. I saw you in Traverse City this winter. I incorporated your message into my Earth Day sermon for the Unitarian Church… They loved it. Thanks.” Tom Karas
"Getting the message of Goddess spirituality across in such a lively and engaging manner is simply wonderful. You make this very alternative, yet so important topic, attractive to the mainstream public which in my opinion is a fantastic achievement. Our country, Slovenia, used to be part of the communist Yugoslavia where any religion was frowned upon (although not prohibited). In the last 20 years this has been changing and all sorts of religions are now present here, with Catholic church being the strongest, of course. But the term "Goddess" is hardly known here because all religions and spiritual paths are basically patriarchal, as you know very well. It would be great if some day you would perhaps do your performance here and enlighten the mainstream Slovenians :) Anyway, keep on the great work, it's badly needed in our world. Erika, Anuket, Slovenia
“Yesterday at the United Nations CSW was the second time I saw you in action, and it was even more powerful the second time around! I didn't realize until I saw you last night- how just about everything you talked about wove itself into my life throughout the past year. Your performance brought it all to consciousness! Thank you!” Barbara Rivera, Founder –BirthPower and OMAEP
"You were fabulous last night - simply fabulous! We are getting rave reviews!!! Please come back to Mercy by the Sea!"
Barb Scala, Director of Development, Special Events
"Dale, I really appreciated you and your performance tonight at Mercy by the Sea. You presented a tremendous amount of information in such a clear, meaningful, and impactful way". Melinda Alcosser
"Dale, again thank you for an entertaining and empowering evening at Mercy by the Sea. I believe Women Religious have been opening the way for the integration of the Divine Feminine in their leadership for centuries. I would love a copy of "Our Mother" which you prayed so beautifully at the performance. Continued blessings to you."
Sister Ann M. McGovern, RSM, Sisters of Mercy
"I have just purchased the download of your U.N. presentation. I first saw your videos on youtube and was enchanted and entranced. I love that you are sharing your work in the world. Thank you so much for "getting" women and sharing our complex experiences.
Julie Clay
Ingrid Stellmacher, CEO, Le Manach Foundation
United Nations Commission on the Status of Women
"In Our Right Minds," was the perfect title for a session at this year’s United Nations Commission on the Status of Women in New York. It is the name of Dale Allen’s one woman show, the main speaker at our event. Reading with authority as she stepped slowly through the room, her entry was theatrical. Wearing a full-length black cape she read from a large book, quote after quote, of different religious text from around the world that collectively demonized and denigrated women throughout history. The largely unsuspecting audience was spellbound by her delivery as much as stunned to hear women officially declared not only worthless but also evil across the continents, through the ages and in every holy book.
Travelling quickly but seamlessly through time, Dale recounted how women of early cultures were honored as goddesses, protectors and co-creators. How their fall from grace began slowly with the advent of the alphabet, writing and reading. The different way in which the brain needed to process this new form of information was also the beginning of its rewiring and the great switch over; like going from analogue to digital. From previously, image orientated right brain soft skills of creativity, empathy and intuition associated with feminine qualities, to left brain, hard analytical skills of logic, reasoning and linear thinking; traditionally attributed to male ways of seeing and being in the world.
Leonard Shlain put forward the hypothesis of the alphabet as the ancient female nemisis, in his book the ‘Alphabet versus the Goddess’ in what he describes as the 'conflict of word over image'. As a consequence the written word became the God of all things; over symbols, sex and of course women. Dominating a world where feminine attributes had previously held the greater currency.
But technology and the keyboard is our savior apparently and its widespread use in our offices, our homes and on the move, by both sexes, is activating left and right brain connectivity in a new simultaneous conversation as never before. Rewiring new areas of our brain and encouraging not only new pathways of connectivity but greater access to creativity and enabling men in particular, to see the world through new eyes. If the left brain/right brain theory holds validity then announcements from the scientific community last year that the human race had reached its evolutionary limit, as there is no space left inside our skulls for our brain to grow larger, then perhaps our brain rewiring itself is where the real action and evolution is; the sum being greater than its parts. Not only is the use of our keyboards helping to balance out our brain but being bombarded by images through our TV’s, PC’s and hand held devices 24 hours a day maybe another contributing factor. Images being processed in the right, more ‘feminine’ part of our brain.
Dale ended her contribution with a heartfelt song about the long and lonely wait for the return of the soul; the archetype that is woman and the feminine, to an eruption of emotion and applause. Joanne Watkins, CEO of Montage Initiative, had achieved what she set out to do; deliver a session on empowering women using different ways of engaging; through words, images and theatre and one that will be remembered for the unique why in which stories were told and issues were touched.
Dale's story helps women understand and maybe even remember, that once upon a time it was different and that they must hold on to the hope that one day it will be again. This is what keeps us striving towards our common goals on the long road towards fighting violence against women and girls. We know that culture change is a long and complex process and that working together we can make a difference. The belief in that is part of why we come. Not to just to share and learn together but to renew our hope together. For without that, our task surely feels insurmountable, and we will have lost everything.
"Thank you for participating in our Parallel Event at the U.N. today for the Commission on the Status of Women. Your performance was truly inspiring, amazing, incredible, and so much more! Your passion lit up the room, and I am convinced that your words touched everyone there in a very big way. I am truly grateful - thank you!"
Joanne Watkins, President Montage Initiative, Inc.
“It was so lovely to see you at the U.N., and wonderful to hear you too! A couple of our team said your¹s was the most important event for them at the Commission on the Status of Women 2013! A big ‘Thank You’ for being there, for sharing and for doing what you do.... As I write this I am back home in France and watching you on the DVD. You can be sure that I will be showing this often!"
Julie Gerland, Founder/Director The Holistic Parenting Programme: Preconception to Birth & Beyond, Bonnac, France
"Thank you for a wonderful presentation at Montage Initiative's parallel event at the United Nations 2013 Commission on the Status of Women. Your show was so inspirational, goes down to the philosophical roots of the great value of woman, and changes the way people think. I loved the ideas behind your show, the content, and especially the metaphor of the right and left brains. You have inspired me, and it was an honor to meet you. Thank you for your efforts in empowering women! I wish you the best of luck in your works." Klevisa Kovaci, Co-Founder, Montage Initiative's Student Advisory Board.
"There is a woman I met some years back who is now one of my most inspiring and dear friends (thank goodness). She has an amazing presentation for women and men, and I think if you wanted to host her she would blow the house down. Her presentation is on video so you can see it. Whenever she has come to 'Daughters of the Earth Gathering' I feel like we struck the goldmine of the deep feminine, digestible for all people. Dale Allen - do check her out. She is funny, engaging, powerful, transformative, instructional, and paradigm-changing without pushing on your beliefs. She is, of course, a catalyst for transformation and a total delight to be around!" ALisa Starkweather
"I often recall seeing your amazing show and am again inspired!"
Charlene Costanzo author, THE TWELVE GIFTS Collection ~ books about opening life’s gifts 2014
"Dale has incredible energy, creativity and intuitive wisdom about our feminine side. Her performance, In Our Right Minds, is a historical, inspirational, and informative piece that should be viewed by every woman (and their daughters) so that we know where we come from and where we have potential to go. It is an exciting one-woman show that rivals Broadway! I also have the pleasure to work with Dale as part of the Dream Team (podcast for women). She is the quintessential professional and ignites the airwaves with her enthusiasm and zest to inspire any woman to reach for her dreams as she herself has done."
Barbara Scala, Founder, Co-Author, Sanity Savers: Tips for Women to Live a Balanced Life
"WOW!! Dale Allen was extraordinary in her presentation at the United Nations 2013 Commission on the Status of Women!! ... Although I cover some goddess/archetypal feminine material in my show, I keep it very personal, without going into the theoretical because it is very hard to keep an audience's attention with that. Not only did she have their attention doing EXACTLY THAT -- she had them RIVETED!! The entire room could not take their eyes off her". Tandava
"Was a fantastic event, fantastic gathering, and Dale, you were just superb and lovely!" Huge THANK YOU to everyone who came from near and far to see Dale Allen last night! She was extraordinary and if you ever get the chance to see her 'In Our Right Minds' Performance, GO! Beautiful work you are doing my dear Dale! We loved you in Gathersburg!" October 16, 2010 Event
Robin Rice, Awesome Women Hub
"I was there, and it was fantastic!! Drumming and Dale's amazing presentation on the feminine aspect of deity. As a theology student in the 80's, I often observed widespread discomfort when this issue was broached. Dale made the material accessible! How wonderful to participate in the awareness and celebration of spirituality that goes "Beyond God the Father," to borrow Mary Daly's words. Thank you, Dale." Mary Agner
"Only four days until Friday's Women of Intention event, and I am getting really excited! One woman from Lancaster who called today to enroll shared she had been given a Christmas gift of an "In Our Right Minds" DVD last year, loved it and couldn't wait to see Dale in person. We are all in for a great treat!" Vicki Fox Women of Intention
“Dale was terrific! Thank you so much for bringing someone of her passion and power to our area. It was a night to remember! “ Suzanne Grenager
"You are loved by the 185 women who attended Friday's Women of Intention gathering in Harrisburg, PA. The e-mails keep coming about how inspirational, educational, and thought provoking "In Our Right Minds" is. Love to see you perform this on TV so millions of people can enjoy it."
“I have your DVD and enjoy every moment of it!” Vicki Fox, Women of Intention
"In Our Right Minds laced with whit, humor, song and a wealth of knowledge about the divine feminine, captures the essence of empowerment and inspiration for all women. Dale Allen is a living Goddess!"
Barbara Scala, Co-Author, Sanity Savers, Tips for Women to Lead a Balanced Life
"Dale Allen, in her one-woman performance, is the first woman I have ever known who can define the essence of women in a thought-provoking way that empowers women while embracing men. Her message and her beauty shine from within and from without."
Arlene Scanlan, Broadway Producer, On Golden Pond, La Cage au Faux, Oleanna, How to Succeed
“Dale Allen's In Our Right Minds is a wonderful romp through ancient and contemporary feminist terrain. I didn't know for sure whether I was going to laugh or cry at different moments, but at EVERY moment I appreciated her sensibility and wisdom, her humor, and her great use of body language and nuance. A must-see!”
Vicki Noble, Co-creator of Motherpeace cards, Author of Shakti Woman, The Double Goddess and other books
"Dale Allen's In Our Right Minds is one of the best presentations at the 5th International IFLAC Pave Peace Conference in LA. All the participants were delighted by her skillful performance covering the various roles of women throughout history and in our mad world today. The show is funny, true, intriguing, thoroughly enjoyable and thought provoking."
Ada Aharoni, IFLAC President, Haifa, Israel
"Dale’s extraordinary insight and enthusiasm about women is a breath of fresh air in the 21st century! Her multi-dimensional presentation takes the audience - both women and men alike - on one of the most inspiring and empowering journeys, simply because she speaks about what is true, but too often unheard, and rarely presented in such a unique, engaging format!"
Lisa Dresdner, PhD., Director, Fairfield County Women’s Center, Norwalk Community College
"Dale Allen is the Mother’s voice, body and spirit. She is as ancient and magical as the Goddess Herself. She is helping the Mother return by awakening the memory in everyone who comes in contact with her. I laughed deeply at some points. At other points there were tears of deep reunion within myself. Dale Allen is a bright light, a magical being, a messenger, a teacher, a storyteller, a joy – she was born to be seen and listened to!" Arden Donahue, Owner, Neighborhood Yoga
“Dale Allen envelopes us in an experience of remembering that moved me beyond the dualities of our language and thought, questioned the branded lives we are marketed, and resurrected voices often silenced. This celebration returns us to the wholeness of the divine image we were all created into.”
Katherine Ott, PhD. Religious Studies at Yale
“In a left-brain dominant world, Dale leaves the audience with confidence and desire to think differently about their daily life. She inspires women and men to be leaders and have confidence in their abilities. She had the audience on the edge of their seats, and she truly inspired me.”
Chris Labelle, Principal, Six-to-Six Magnet School
“The range of material that Dale Allen examines is extraordinary and the implications of the messages of the ancient texts are profound. Her warmth, charisma and passion were so engaging, her energy so contagious; my students were very gratified by the experience. Thank you, Dale Allen for reaching them on levels that had not previously been considered nor realized important!”
Jackie Whiting, History Department, Staples High School, Westport, CT
“I was completely entranced with your performance at the Kauai Wellness Expo with Dr. Wayne Dyer. Your show is incredibly humorous and has such depth of emotion that I had tears in my eyes and laughed at the same time! I brought home your DVD and watched it again tonight. Our almost 18-year-old daughter watched it with me. She LOVED it. I’m so glad it reached her and now she’ll watch it again and again, little by little soaking it in for deeper understanding. Through your DVD, you continue to touch and inspire! Thanks for your passion and willingness to share a message so profoundly important!”
Debra Gehrke, Co-Founder, Earth Harmony
”You were most definitely the highlight of the Kauai Wellness Expo! Thank you again and again for your superb work in acknowledging, honoring and bringing forth the sacred feminine. Your amazing energy, love and inspiration are still with me. Please come back to Kauai when you can. I feel lucky and privileged to have been in the right place at the right time to see your show!”
Nola Conn
"My daughter, Jen with 'the beautiful smile' in the audience at the Kauai Wellness Expo, called me about her "life changing" experience because of you, Dale Allen. You have touched a beautiful of many, I know, but this one belongs to my daughter. Thank you from my heart and hers. Now I "see" you as she did, only I have your DVD. I have watched "In Our Right Minds," more than once and I have it loaned out at the moment. Your presentation is so empowering and from the heart. It is inspiring and down-right the most uplifting, motivational presentation I have been privileged to see and feel about the divine feminine!" Patty Allen
"Dale, it was such a joy for me to meet you at the Kauai Wellness Expo. The entire rest of the day, I felt as though I was floating on the energy from you and your inspiring presentation. Thank you for bringing your gift to Kauai. You truly radiate love, joy and beauty." Francine Snyder
“It was wonderful!!!! Dale Allen’s energy, her connection to the material and the audience, her angle... it was all so inspiring! I was enthralled and I learned a lot! She covers a hell of a lot of material! I loved the songs, too!”
Suzie Galler, Filmmaker and Founder of Esteemed Women
“Dear Dale, your work is incredible! I am so impressed! You tickled the Goddess in me, as well as the history buff and the anthropologist. What a wonderful blend of the two hemispheres of the brain! I honor your scholarship as well as your vision in bringing it all together. Thank you so much! I'm still glowing days later!”
Sharona Fein, Founder, Healing Arts Center of Connecticut
"I knew going to Dale Allen’s performance at the Kauai Wellness Expo was going to be a powerful experience, but I didn't think it was going to be life changingly powerful!" Jude Riley
“Much of Dale Allen’s performance restores the female and the feminine yet, at every step of the way, she kept us aware that these aspects are beyond gender, a part of both men and women.”
Mikab, workshop attendee
" I will see Dale Allen's one-woman show again - this time bringing a few of my married male friends! Bravo, Ms. Allen!"
Jim Aylward
“Dale Allen’s creativity and knowledgeable shine. The program was very informative as it traces the history and role of women through the ages, as well as being very entertaining. I cried, I laughed. Dale is a very talented and engaging artist as she was able to weave media, music and dance into the performance. Her warmth and the seemingly effortless transformations made for a very charming and delightful evening.” Lee Bailes, Retired Teacher
“In Our Right Minds” makes you want to question a lot of what you’ve learned in life thus far. It reminds you to be true to yourself, and not to take life so seriously!”
Cara Brook, Professional Organizer, Junior League
“The feedback on your performance was very positive - the history of women that you gave us, and how women have stood the test of time… also how men and women relate today and how this is going to change things for the future. Everyone loved the skits you did… especially ‘Someday Isle.’” Monique G. Girard, Unilever Corporation
“Dale’s one-woman show hits home for every woman, mother and daughter out there. She takes history and all its truths to present day life, opening our eyes and urging us to act on our own behalf. Dale’s insight affirms the female in our culture, reminding us of our validity and divine right to be. We take away from her performance the responsibility to raise our sons and daughters with compassion, love and the knowledge that all beings are powerful and made in the image of the divine – be it woman or man.”
C. Reigle, Mothers of Preschoolers
“Certainly, a very evocative performance. I enjoyed being awakened again to the power of women. Thanks.” Gloria Ruenitz
“Thank you for sharing your creative spirit with us. Dale, I so enjoyed your creative presentation; the research, the reading and the songs all blended so beautifully together. What a lovely afternoon! “ Aura Carr
“Thank you for the ‘In Our Right Minds’ seminar at Center for Healing and Recovery. It brought into my body the new balance of yin/yang, male/female peace.” Courtney Bolanos, EMF Practitioner
“Thank for serving such a profound experience! The ‘In Our Right Minds’ event was indeed, amazing. I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to take part in it. Dale is truly extraordinary.” Lisa Prevel
”The Saturday workshop was powerful. What an amazing blessing it was to be a part of it! Thank you for providing the opportunity to do such important inner work. I'll take your love and peace with me." Jenny
“’In Our Right Minds’ continues to haunt me and pervade my work. Thank you for sharing your wisdom. Beautiful you are. Brave. Bold. Beautiful. Simply. Thank you. Thank you. A thousand thank yous.” Natasha Raymond, Owner, YogaSpace
“What a fabulous show/lecture/comedy – with everything all woven together so beautifully! Dale Allen has such an amazing stage presence, an incredibly articulate and clear speech voice, and body language that helps to convey each point. The material was incredible! I'm so impressed with the amount of research that has gone into this. Great slides, great music, great experience!”
Laura Kara, Acupuncturist
“On behalf of the SECT Women’s Network, we thank you for your outstanding presentation “Seize Your Power, Offer Your Gifts” at our March luncheon. You brought inspiration and education, sprinkled with a good dose of fun that thoroughly engaged us. What a true delight to have found you! You touched so many women last Wednesday at such a deeply profound level. Women felt excited and transformed by your message. We wish you much continued success as you share with others your inspiring message through your very imaginative and captivating presentation.” Pat Clark, Southeastern Connecticut Women’s Network
“Dale, I thoroughly enjoyed your "Seize Your Power, Offer Your Gifts" presentation today at the Southeastern CT Women's Network Luncheon. What a joy to watch your personality and conviction shine through. Definitely a performance to celebrate! I'm sure each and every woman in the room could connect with you more than once, I connected so many times I lost count!”
Marilyn K. Dayton, Marketing Biz Professionals
"Dear Vicki, Wow, thanks for bringing such a high caliber program to Harrisburg. I usually have to go to a National Conference in some huge city somewhere to hear someone like Dale. Keep up the good work! Thanks again." Val Knisley
"I’m so glad we were able to come. My daughter and I had a great time, and she even had a slightly heated (very healthy) debate with my husband based on something he said about a piece of the artwork. It was GREAT!!!" C. Rogers
“I just watched your DVD and it beautifully connects a lot of what I’ve read and studied over the past 30 years – you put it all together! You brought tears to my eyes and a song to my heart. I laughed and cried as your gentle humor portrayed what we've lost, and how it plays out in our modern culture. Absolutely fabulous work. I would like to order an additional 10 DVDs to give to every woman I know!” Charlotte Glöde, Life Design Seminars
"Sending you blessings and gratitude for the performance you shared so lovingly and with the greatest flexibility. It was a tremendous gift to all 400 of us at ALisa Starkweather’s event in Peterborough, NH. The treasure of what you offer radiates in your heart and illuminates the minds and spirits of all who receive!" Lisa Meade, WomenWithInsight
"What a powerful event you shared last Thursday at the A.A.U.W.! In Our Right Minds left me spellbound. I was mesmerized at each story you told. I was especially transported during the last Scottish tale. I drove home and never once put the radio on. There was so much to still enjoy and smile about from your show. What a gift you have and what a treat that you are able to share it over and over and over. Please add me to your email list of calendar dates. I want my nieces to see your next appearance. You have left a lasting and dynamic impression!" Carole Wallace, Pitney Bowes Inc.
"Your presentation was incredible! I would like to receive the emails you send out once a month. Sometime when you make another presentation in Fairfield County, I hope to bring other women and hopefully my husband! Thank you for enlightening us and sharing your vast talents!" Lorraine Conway
"What a phenomenal conference call you gave us tonight on “The Prosperity Hormone” with Ellie Drake and Dr. Sugar Singleton. I have to let you know how much it inspired me! It made me get in touch with my Goddess Self again. Wow! You have really touched me deeply and I could feel your passion and energy. A few days ago, I decided to start putting on music and dancing before I go to bed. I sleep better and I feel that great Music and Dancing are very important to me. And then tonight, this so resonated with what you shared. Also, Nature has always been my teacher and you talked on this theme as well. Thank you for doing your part and awakening women all over the world to their Divine Goddess Self. You are doing your part. It is up to us to change our world and the time is NOW. You are a blessing to humanity." Beatrix Jansen, Florida
“Dale's voice along with her message help us reconnect with what is whole and powerful within us. With this call, we cannot help but find our courage to take that first step forward towards our deepest desires and biggest dreams.”
Lynette, Formula to Manifest Community
“Wow! What a powerhouse trio of BraveHeart Women on this call! Dales' confidence in her message and all that she brought to the call was impressive. I loved the way she spoke about our "magnificent soul self" and the power and beauty that comes when we step into our soul power.” Rijuta Tooker, Manifest Your Unique Greatness!
“I just had my BraveHeart morning start with the call and loved it. Such passion, power and purpose in Dale's voice and energy!”
Tina van Leuven, Ph.D., Founder Innerdelight
“Thank you Ellie and Dr. Sugar for an inspiring Prosperity Hormone call this evening with Dale Allen. She shared so many nuggets of wisdom that didn't get absorbed the first time around. So I allowed myself the time to re listen to the recording.”
Audie Perove, Kids and Pets Community
"FINALLY!... that's the one word to describe what happened in the energy exchange tonight. Dale Allen has been able, on all our behalf, to extract from the Ether our essence and sense of purpose as Women. She has crystallized it in a form for our consumption to nourish the hungriest parts of our growing selves. Acknowledgement, acceptance and activation of every aspect within us as female. This was a true CALL TO ACTION - Step up, Share Your Gift!" Amy
"Just wanted to send a quick note to say how much I enjoyed last evening's performance at the American Association of University Women. You were wonderful, and very insightful! I truly would love to take my daughter to your next lecture." Wendy B. Bortnicker
“I saw you at Alisa's B-day and was hoping you taped that... I loved the way you had to wing it in the face of all the technical difficulties! Thank you for singing your truth, displaying your power and owning your authentic self...” Kathlenn Rouleau
"Dale, thanks for All YOU do to enlighten and enliven women's lives with your workshops and connecting to other women. You are a GEM!" Jeanne Grandy
“Thank you for the wonderful performance at Green Mountain College last night. I’d seen your performance on DVD and it was SUCH a treat to experience it live! I rely heavily on my intuitive senses in both my work as a counselor and my other role as an animal communicator. Listening to you last night was both validating and rejuvenating.”
Jane Young Grillo, M.A., Counselor, Wellness Center, Green Mountain College, Poultney, VT
“The evening at Green Mountain College was wonderful. Thank you so much for making it so. Your show really struck chords with folks. For me, hearing it all for the second time, I was able to assimilate more of all that you bring to light. Very wonderful stuff!”
Shirley Oskamp, Chaplain, Green Mountain College, Poultney, Vermont
"I saw your show about three years ago for my Godmother's 50th birthday party in New York City. I was struck, moved and inspired! I am so glad that you continue to meet with success and I hope you always do. Would you be willing to do another gathering, yet this time a 'bachelorette party?'" Elizabeth Frisch, Frisch Capital Partners
"I just saw a video of your performance “In Our Right Minds.” In your own unique and wonderful way, your presentation echoes so much of what I am experiencing and the thoughts I have had. Many blessings to you, and thank you for being an inspiration!"
Felicia Ballance Berry, Rev.
“Thanks for a wonderful and community-healing performance. I appreciate your professionalism and grace. Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Kathy Smyly Miller, New Jersey Association of Women Business Owners
"Woooooow! I am very inspired by your bravery in telling a truth that has been too long silent and is in danger of being forgotten. Women (and men) all over the world have forgotten themselves and their power, spending countless hours and ineffably beating out their femininity to be more like men in order to survive in today's world... the irony being that on some level, most are failing miserably and wondering why they are unhappy and why their lives are not working.
"Thank You for your courage, beauty, light, love and joy. You have inspired me to begin digging deeper for the Truth within myself and to begin speaking and celebrating it." Susan Stackpole
“What a fabulously educational entertaining empowering experience! I loved all the multi-media weaving of facts, figures, show 'n tell, originality, props, and of course the authentic ‘Cape Canaveral’ delivery! Now, all of us from the 7th Annual Women's Health Conference" will be sharing your DVDs!” Renya Craig
“It is rare for a performance to broaden one's perspective of humanity in a positive and memorable way. However, in her show "In our Right Minds", this is exactly what Dale Allen gracefully accomplishes via comedy, music, song and storytelling. With insight and intelligence, Dale shares a joyful and optimistic perspective of the female condition throughout history. I left her show feeling uplifted, empowered and wanting to celebrate my female heritage.”
Risa Kent, Board Member, Women & Family Life Center, Guilford, CT
“I'm glad that your show was sold out - it really is a great program!”
M. Janick Ferrier Hickman, Office of Student Diversity Programs, Fairfield University
“Last night’s show at the Fairfield Museum and History Center was fun, funny, captivating!” Janet Amadio
“I have never seen so much talent in one person! ...I want my daughter to see this film."
E.P., Stage Manager for Johnny Carson for 12 years
“Dale, your art is brilliant and I know it will raise awareness, open a dialogue, and ultimately empower the young women I will be counseling. I thank you for uniquely revealing the truths of social inequality in a format that is undeniable. I look forward to presenting your DVD to my high school clients and social work colleagues.” Rachel Ford, Daughters of the Earth 2008
“I already feel stronger. It is as though I was downloaded with a new vibration when I saw your show. I actually am able to tune into this vibration and I am strengthened each time. Your work has created and is creating a strengthening life force for women.” Colette, Daughters of the Earth Gathering
“Blessings Goddess Woman! It was such a pleasure meeting you at the 2008 Daughters of the Earth Gathering. I truly enjoyed your show. The storytelling was awesome! Such wisdom and exuberance coming forth from your WombHeart! What you are doing is such an eye opener to all who have the opportunity to see ‘In Our Right Minds.’ Thank you!” Diva Mama Tonya, Womb Shaman
“Your approach skillfully bridges the gap between those who are unknowingly caught in the dominant/oppressor paradigm, and those of us who are actively dismantling that paradigm.” Serpentessa, Snake Priestess
“Thank you Dale, for coming to Huntsville, Ontario – it was such a gift! You bring a joyful tear to my eye and I keep thinking how important your message is - so many need to see and hear your work. I heard abundant compliments from so many people who attended about how moved they were, even my friends eleven-year-old daughter. I too was moved by your strength of character and your courage. It is inspiring!” Peggy Peterson, One Elemental Dancer, Ontario
“Many thanks Dale for coming to Huntsville, Ontario and sharing the knowledge that you have acquired of Women's History. Those of us who saw it are excited to share what we have learned with other women. You are an inspiring young woman and you are doing amazing work. You will change lives as you travel around 'waking people up' to what is often kept a deep dark secret. The Goddess lives in you and She will be awakened in others after hearing you speak. Bravo!! “ Pat Ainsworth, Ontario
“I want to thank you for the magnificent performance at the 2008 “Celebrating the Whole Woman Conference.” I only wish that every one of my friends could have been there to feel the passion of the performance as you told the story of women since the beginning, and I feel as though “IN OUR RIGHT MINDS” should be required viewing for all women as a right of passage to Womanhood. Your performance has touched the very core of me, and has changed me. There are no words to express what happened. It is a knowing. May you continuously be blessed and guided on your path to bring this message to men and women all over the country and free world. And I envision the whole world free. You are truly a gift to the Feminine Nature of Humanity.”
Marlene Campbell, Founder, The Ripple Effect
"Wow, Ms. Allen! I have been watching the DVD over and over and I find I’m becoming more excited, alive and empowered each time I watch it. You see, I used to let the media tell me what was acceptable as far as appearances went. I kept telling myself that the media was feeding me lies but sometimes it can get inside your psyche without your even realizing it. I am so grateful that so many changes in my consciousness are taking place. I'm 25 and I feel like I’m finally starting to live my life to the fullest. Thank you so much Dale for helping me realize how much more I have to give to the world." Alex Murray, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
“I saw Dale Allen’s performance of ‘In Our Right Minds’ at the Every Day Goddess Convention and found it very informative and inspiring. I think it is just as important for men to see this performance as well as women. The historical buildup to why we are where we are at as a species was very interesting and should not be missed.” Joel Burbach
“Wow! You really are terrific and your story is amazing. So glad you are sharing your wisdom with us all. Wish you ran this country!” Abigail Revash
“I recently attend a screening of your DVD at Northwestern Michigan College in Traverse City, Michigan, and I completely related to it and thoroughly enjoyed it. I hope to spread your word! Thank you for all your work!” Dale Knechtges
“Everyone here loved “In Our Right Minds.” They felt they learned a great deal, that you had incredible energy and knowledge, that you packed a tremendous amount into a very short time and that the time flew! It was inspiring!”
Pam Chapman, Women’s Center of Greater Danbury, CT
"I want to begin by thanking you for the message you give. I was inspired when my friend, Jane Russo played your DVD during a recent visit. We watched for a while and then paused the DVD to discuss what you had said. It was so enlightening that I left her home wanting my daughter to see your one-woman-show. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the message you spread to the world. It is important to empower women and to demonstrate that our society isn't doing what is right and good for us as women. I am grateful to have been educated in the facts of history during your DVD performance. Thank you, thank you, thank you!" ~In Peace and Gratitude~ Kimberly Gilbert
“I highly recommend you see this empowering one-woman performance! It is the historical and modern Feminine archetype like you have never seen nor heard it before! Dale Allen single-handedly brings light the internal workings women throughout history and in our modern world. In birthing this presentation, her awakened energy will put your Internal Mother in tune with your Seductress, your Goddess under the spell of your Suffragette, your Inner Masculine in toe with your Feminine. With your perspective expanded and your confidence lifted, you will be ready to face the New Year like no other!” Georgi Gala
“I viewed your DVD and wanted to tell you how very much I resonated with the passion and essence of your message. Thank you for packaging it with humor, art and for the availability of a larger audience. May many hearts be opened by your work!”
Dorathea Thompson, Psychologist and Homeopath
“I received the DVD today! Thanks for the prompt service. There are many friends that I will invite to see your visionary and transformational interpretation of history/herstory. The prayer card, "Our Mother," is greatly appreciated, also. My friend contacted you just today to purchase the DVD too. Word is getting around about your creative production. Blessings on your prophetic work.” Sheila Carlson
“Dale, you were fabulous. All in attendance: Safe Haven clients, staff, friends and family are still quoting things from your performance days later. Your passionate message stayed with me long after seeing your performance last year at the Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence Annual Meeting, and so you are the reason I wanted to plan this event for Safe Haven! We had a very successful fundraiser!” Jodi Colafrancesco, Safe Haven of Greater Waterbury
“I want to thank you for bringing your powerful performance to Waterbury, Everyone I spoke to was so impressed. Your numerous talents have produced a show that is both entertaining and educational. Your presentation was the culmination to a wonderful evening. I am hoping that we will be able to have you back again.”
Peggy Panagrossi, Executive Director, Safe Haven of Greater Waterbury
“I loved every second of the experience you provided for us!! I haven't stopped thinking about it since!!! You brought healing and closure to the evening, and empowerment (knowledge) to each and every one of us. It was amazing to see the room transform as the women relaxed into their own 'beingness.' You are a blessing to us now when we need to reawaken our feminine energies. You are an angel. Keep up the great work and may your influence be multiplied a thousand fold!”
Rose Petruzzi, Safe Haven Domestic Violence Services Fundraiser
“Thank you again! You have really got me thinking on how I, and maybe other women, can go on to rebalance our quests into the feminine/goddess side by bringing the masculine back into the equation via a healthier Christianity. I bought three of your DVDs last night, and plan to share them with the women in my monthly circle and beyond.”
Cathy Bolduc, Safe Haven Domestic Violence Services Fundraiser
“You are a wonderful testament to clear intention, smart work and networking, lots of talent – and a big heart. A fabulous formula for making in difference in a unique and fun way.” Candace Carnicelli, Director, Common Peace
"Your presentation and the stories you told were invigorating. The story about the FULL-bodied GODDESS is inspiring and liberating. The story about the seal wife is much needed. I have always felt the limitations of a patriarchal society where "take, take and take, again" and putting people into "boxes" appear to be the respected ways of life. By contrast, your stories create a sense of a world without limits - a world brimming with life, thru and thru." Eleanora Chorekchan, Queens NY
“Dale Allen’s performance is mix of storytelling, a bit of history, a slice of science, a serving of anthropology. It may raise awareness, and raise questions. It may fascinate you, or trouble you. You may agree with what Dale says, or you may take exception to it, but you will find the program thought provoking, entertaining, and an inspiration for further dialog on the topic of Women in Leadership.”
Karin Levitt, Director, Organizational Development Programs
Learning & Development, Americas Outsourcing
“I really admire what you did last night! It is so wonderful to see a person with a passion who is able to bring it to light! And such an important topic too! Very enlightening. I was so impressed with your abilities, your costumes, the slides, the music, the whole package. You keep your spirits up and engage the audience. You are a Master (or a Mistress--or how about a GODDESS!!).
Your Mom is lovely too!” Janis Bowersox, Owner, Yoga For Everybody, Fairfield, CT
"I saw you perform at Yoga 4 Everybody last night. You give the phrase "spreading the word" a whole new meaning. And praise be for sharing that message with the rest of us. Thanks again. Your energy is infectious. It was lovely to see your mother there as well. In this day and age, with a dominant culture that benefits from women divided against themselves, (like your “working v. stay at homers” analogy) it was refreshing to see an easy, affectionate and respectful mother/daughter relationship at work. So different than the conflict we've come to expect.” Meg Burdett
“You have left a creative footprint that others may enjoy and follow. Thank you for sharing your multidimensional self and displaying your soul’s essence informatively and inspirationally.” Micheal Teal, The Ancient One
"Thank you for the most interesting hour I've had at work in a long time! Your energy is amazing! I am a true believer that when people do what they truly love, they will be successful. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with our group. I made a link between your comments on the value of an MFA degree in the coming era and our focus on the need for stronger Emotional Intelligence. We are making a difference! Thanks again and continued success." Anne, Women in Leadership, CSC
“What I most admire about Dale’s work its emotional and intellectual integrity. She comes completely from her heart with a body of work that is well-researched and intellectually rigorous. She gracefully walks the line between the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine – the Ascendant and Descendant energies - and in so doing, brings back the balance that is so crucial to a healthy expression of life.” Rev. Michael Pergola, M.B.A., J.D., President, One Spirit Learning Alliance
“Dale Allen’s In Our Right Minds is wonderful. It is one of those rare times when you leave a show excited about being a woman! Through Dale’s theatric talent, the audience learns about the varying views of women throughout history. Don’t miss it, you laugh while you learn!” Linda Wolfson, Ph. D., Counselor, Coordinator of the Housatonic Community College Women’s Center
“Dale Allen, mentor, comedienne, entertainer, entrepreneur and visionary who utilizes her many talents to deliver a simple, yet timely message: if we are to survive as a species through the millennium, it is vitally important to expand our recognition of the Goddess as a primary force/participant in human affairs.” Richard Diamond, Co-Coordinator, Kauai Wellness Expo
"My husband and I loved it! Fantastic – a really good time! How nice it is to go to something and not have your intelligence insulted!" Deb Rubenstein
"In Our Right Minds heals the heart and soul of everyone who sees it. Empowerment is a divine principle for bringing peaceful relationships into our worlds. Thank you for this glorious treasure."
Dorothy Ann Cole, Educator and Holistic Healer, Divine Universal Studies
”SUPERB - Ms. Allen’s talent, wit, attention to detail, flare for the dramatic, and her beautiful presence! Overall, a really memorable performance and a strong statement about the wonderful, spiritual, earth-based force which women have, and can have in the world. Heaps of admiration!” Melissa Pavloff
“The way that Dale Allen presented the information helped me to absorb it. The whole experience reawakened, reaffirmed, and deepened the healthy part of me. I thank her very much for that.” Dick Hermenze
“I attended your performance last night and really enjoyed it. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to see such a thought provoking, fun show. When your daughter and niece joined in singing at the closing, it made me feel the same way I did when I saw the ending of “Little Miss Sunshine” - truly a celebration of spirit! I just loved it!”
Kristen McDonald, Membership Development
Junior League of Eastern Fairfield County (JLEFC)
“I was ‘blown away,’ Dale Allen is an extremely gifted storyteller. It was like reading the most interesting novel, one that you just can't put down, and it keeps getting better and better, and then it is all tied together in such a way that you feel you really received something meaningful and lasting.” Casey Donahue
“I highly recommend this one-woman show, In Our Right Minds. Dale has captured the very essence of women and women’s journeys in her dynamic and enrolling presentation - if you can slip away to attend this performance, you will be proud to be of her gender.”
Melissa L. Thornton, MBA, LMFT
“What a complete pleasure to witness the renaissance of feminist ‘give-a-damn’ that I knew and, thanks to you Dale, know I deeply love. What a gift you've woven into your production for young, old, female and male - BRAVO!!! I jumped to my feet when you finished and shouted, ‘RIGHT ON!’” Adelita Chirino
"Dale Allen’s one woman show turns the myths about women and men upside down and inside out. Her performance should be required viewing – not just for women and girls, but for men as well! Her powerful presentation is chock full of information and inspiration!" Suzie Galler, Founder and President, Esteemed Women Foundation
“Your performance is BEAUTIFUL, you are a BEAUTIFUL SOUL and like a Very Brightly Shining Sun and Moon in the Darkness of this patriarchy that we have to live in, that the whole world has had to live in for way, way, too many years that damages both males and females. Thank you, and many, many blessings to you.” Meg Palan, Advocate for the Protection and Defense of Children
Monica Rodgers, The Revelation Project
“I very much enjoyed meeting you and seeing your film. Your presentation is beautiful. Your voice and the way you present the material is so relaxing. It is well documented and flows, and I believe it would be an asset in the classroom in many subject areas.” Gloria Bobbie PhD (ABD), Department of Anthropology, Chancellor’s Award for Excellence Recipient, SUNY
“Brilliant and Amazing!!! I just had the pleasure of watching ‘In Our Right Minds.’ Wow! I’m blown away by not only the amazing amount of research that went into this, but by how well Dale Allen wrote it up, and how dynamic she is presenting it. IORM should be a NetFlix special – it needs to get out to the world!”
Cliff Pia
"Rich, rich, rich! Rich in knowledge, wisdom and love. Dale, thank you for this brilliant condensation of a massive amount of knowledge which encompasses both pre-written (matriarchal) history and written (patriarchal) history. All done in such a skillful way by introducing this piece in a way that encompasses all people. May your time have come and by that, I mean you have already planted yourself, blossomed and born fruit in women’s wisdom for humanity. Now, may the seeds of your work multiply and blossom across the globe. We need it, we all need this. It is the future of humanity to awaken to what you have presented so eloquently, skillfully, and lovingly. Thank you for your work!"
Vajra Ma, Attendee on March 8th Women's Day Online Global Film Screening and Panel Event 2022
“When I viewed your film, I fell in love with it and was very impressed – not just with the film, but with the energy that radiates from it! I am familiar with the lineage of the divine feminine because of my personal study and my life’s work. When I saw what you were able to accomplish in 45 minutes, covering thousands of years in a way that is organized, isn’t overwhelming, doesn’t stress too much in one particular spot, doesn’t have any judgment or blame - I was enthralled! Hence, our interest at Gather the Women to share this film in a special program designed around it.”
Dawn Gandalf, Martix Convener, Gather the Women
“I very much enjoyed seeing your film. Your presentation is beautiful and your voice and the way you present the material is so relaxing. It is well documented and flows, and I believe it would be an asset in the classroom in many subject areas. This belongs on the major streaming services that educational institutions are using.”
Gloria Bobbie, PhD., Department of Anthropology,
Chancellor's Award for Excellence Recipient, Open SUNY Fellow
Harness Your Natural Strengths with the Elements and Archetypes
with Dale Allen and Dionne Ruff-Sloan – Workshop Attendee:
“Thank you so, so much Dale and Dionne. I'm sure I speak for everybody on our Zoom… I feel like a completely different person - and that's one of the greatest feelings ever - to just be transformed in mindset like that. Especially as a girl (all of us on this Zoom), I know we definitely feel like the world doesn't need us. There are so many pressures around that make us feel that way, so it’s really good to have reiterated for us that we do matter, that the world does need us, that we do have a purpose here, and that we are powerful - even though people tell us we aren't. It's so great to hear that reassurance from both of you, so thank for making us feel better and so much more confident, because that's what LiveGirl is all about - to really embrace your femininity and love yourself - love your authentic self - and not be apologetic about it. Speaking from my heart – thank you.”
Lorrie – April 2022
‘Dale Allen thank you for such an amazing experience with your film and high vibration discussion with the audience. Everyone was so moved and no one wanted to leave! It’s time for a paradigm shift where women and the Goddess within are valued and equal to the Spirit, the masculine principal and men.”
Julie Ryan Gerland, 2022
“Wow... I have goosebumps. I love how eloquent you are in touching on some of the most complex deep concepts that are the core of what I believe. thank you~~~”
Lori Swetlin-Geig
"Your performance at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women for our “In Our Right Minds” Side Event was electric, full of passion and to the point. One of my colleagues said it quite clearly: ‘Dale was so PERFECT in her performance and brought tears to our eyes - she had us all mesmerized!’ On behalf of ALL Women and Girls, thank you! Montage Initiative is honored and proud to have you as part of our team.”
Joanne Watkins, President - Montage Initiative, Inc.
"Dale is an amazing Goddess. She so wonderfully explains the history of women and how to take back the power that each woman was born with, naturally and in a way that is non-confrontational. Not by trying to legislate or other forceful means, but by using the innate methods that are a part of women's natural goddess-given gifts. I had the honor of attending one of her sessions. A wonderful and enlightening experience."
Deborah Tompkins
“Greetings Dale! It was an honor to be a part of the U.N. CSW event, “In Our Right Minds.” We are so grateful that our original song, ‘No Worries’ resonated with you. We’re grateful for the refining experiences that birth out an organic spirit of teamwork, love, and respect. Thank you for speaking life into our careers. We truly feel that it's our mission to stand for authenticity, respect, love, and life!” Raii and Whitney Keaton, Back-Up Vocalist for Alicia Keyes
"Dale, your boundless energy never ceases to amaze me! The rest of us pale in comparison!" Jim Gadzik, M.D.
“You were awesome, impressive! I am so glad that I brought six sister-friends to see you at the U.N. CSW! You just keep getting better!” Marilyn Nyborg, Women Waking the World
“You were powerful! I loved being at your U.N. CSW presentation. I brought friends so they could experience you too!”
Carole Thomassy, Goddess Remembered
“Hey, just wanted you to know… I'm a guy. I saw you in Traverse City this winter. I incorporated your message into my Earth Day sermon for the Unitarian Church… They loved it. Thanks.” Tom Karas
"Getting the message of Goddess spirituality across in such a lively and engaging manner is simply wonderful. You make this very alternative, yet so important topic, attractive to the mainstream public which in my opinion is a fantastic achievement. Our country, Slovenia, used to be part of the communist Yugoslavia where any religion was frowned upon (although not prohibited). In the last 20 years this has been changing and all sorts of religions are now present here, with Catholic church being the strongest, of course. But the term "Goddess" is hardly known here because all religions and spiritual paths are basically patriarchal, as you know very well. It would be great if some day you would perhaps do your performance here and enlighten the mainstream Slovenians :) Anyway, keep on the great work, it's badly needed in our world. Erika, Anuket, Slovenia
“Yesterday at the United Nations CSW was the second time I saw you in action, and it was even more powerful the second time around! I didn't realize until I saw you last night- how just about everything you talked about wove itself into my life throughout the past year. Your performance brought it all to consciousness! Thank you!” Barbara Rivera, Founder –BirthPower and OMAEP
"You were fabulous last night - simply fabulous! We are getting rave reviews!!! Please come back to Mercy by the Sea!"
Barb Scala, Director of Development, Special Events
"Dale, I really appreciated you and your performance tonight at Mercy by the Sea. You presented a tremendous amount of information in such a clear, meaningful, and impactful way". Melinda Alcosser
"Dale, again thank you for an entertaining and empowering evening at Mercy by the Sea. I believe Women Religious have been opening the way for the integration of the Divine Feminine in their leadership for centuries. I would love a copy of "Our Mother" which you prayed so beautifully at the performance. Continued blessings to you."
Sister Ann M. McGovern, RSM, Sisters of Mercy
"I have just purchased the download of your U.N. presentation. I first saw your videos on youtube and was enchanted and entranced. I love that you are sharing your work in the world. Thank you so much for "getting" women and sharing our complex experiences.
Julie Clay
Ingrid Stellmacher, CEO, Le Manach Foundation
United Nations Commission on the Status of Women
"In Our Right Minds," was the perfect title for a session at this year’s United Nations Commission on the Status of Women in New York. It is the name of Dale Allen’s one woman show, the main speaker at our event. Reading with authority as she stepped slowly through the room, her entry was theatrical. Wearing a full-length black cape she read from a large book, quote after quote, of different religious text from around the world that collectively demonized and denigrated women throughout history. The largely unsuspecting audience was spellbound by her delivery as much as stunned to hear women officially declared not only worthless but also evil across the continents, through the ages and in every holy book.
Travelling quickly but seamlessly through time, Dale recounted how women of early cultures were honored as goddesses, protectors and co-creators. How their fall from grace began slowly with the advent of the alphabet, writing and reading. The different way in which the brain needed to process this new form of information was also the beginning of its rewiring and the great switch over; like going from analogue to digital. From previously, image orientated right brain soft skills of creativity, empathy and intuition associated with feminine qualities, to left brain, hard analytical skills of logic, reasoning and linear thinking; traditionally attributed to male ways of seeing and being in the world.
Leonard Shlain put forward the hypothesis of the alphabet as the ancient female nemisis, in his book the ‘Alphabet versus the Goddess’ in what he describes as the 'conflict of word over image'. As a consequence the written word became the God of all things; over symbols, sex and of course women. Dominating a world where feminine attributes had previously held the greater currency.
But technology and the keyboard is our savior apparently and its widespread use in our offices, our homes and on the move, by both sexes, is activating left and right brain connectivity in a new simultaneous conversation as never before. Rewiring new areas of our brain and encouraging not only new pathways of connectivity but greater access to creativity and enabling men in particular, to see the world through new eyes. If the left brain/right brain theory holds validity then announcements from the scientific community last year that the human race had reached its evolutionary limit, as there is no space left inside our skulls for our brain to grow larger, then perhaps our brain rewiring itself is where the real action and evolution is; the sum being greater than its parts. Not only is the use of our keyboards helping to balance out our brain but being bombarded by images through our TV’s, PC’s and hand held devices 24 hours a day maybe another contributing factor. Images being processed in the right, more ‘feminine’ part of our brain.
Dale ended her contribution with a heartfelt song about the long and lonely wait for the return of the soul; the archetype that is woman and the feminine, to an eruption of emotion and applause. Joanne Watkins, CEO of Montage Initiative, had achieved what she set out to do; deliver a session on empowering women using different ways of engaging; through words, images and theatre and one that will be remembered for the unique why in which stories were told and issues were touched.
Dale's story helps women understand and maybe even remember, that once upon a time it was different and that they must hold on to the hope that one day it will be again. This is what keeps us striving towards our common goals on the long road towards fighting violence against women and girls. We know that culture change is a long and complex process and that working together we can make a difference. The belief in that is part of why we come. Not to just to share and learn together but to renew our hope together. For without that, our task surely feels insurmountable, and we will have lost everything.
"Thank you for participating in our Parallel Event at the U.N. today for the Commission on the Status of Women. Your performance was truly inspiring, amazing, incredible, and so much more! Your passion lit up the room, and I am convinced that your words touched everyone there in a very big way. I am truly grateful - thank you!"
Joanne Watkins, President Montage Initiative, Inc.
“It was so lovely to see you at the U.N., and wonderful to hear you too! A couple of our team said your¹s was the most important event for them at the Commission on the Status of Women 2013! A big ‘Thank You’ for being there, for sharing and for doing what you do.... As I write this I am back home in France and watching you on the DVD. You can be sure that I will be showing this often!"
Julie Gerland, Founder/Director The Holistic Parenting Programme: Preconception to Birth & Beyond, Bonnac, France
"Thank you for a wonderful presentation at Montage Initiative's parallel event at the United Nations 2013 Commission on the Status of Women. Your show was so inspirational, goes down to the philosophical roots of the great value of woman, and changes the way people think. I loved the ideas behind your show, the content, and especially the metaphor of the right and left brains. You have inspired me, and it was an honor to meet you. Thank you for your efforts in empowering women! I wish you the best of luck in your works." Klevisa Kovaci, Co-Founder, Montage Initiative's Student Advisory Board.
"There is a woman I met some years back who is now one of my most inspiring and dear friends (thank goodness). She has an amazing presentation for women and men, and I think if you wanted to host her she would blow the house down. Her presentation is on video so you can see it. Whenever she has come to 'Daughters of the Earth Gathering' I feel like we struck the goldmine of the deep feminine, digestible for all people. Dale Allen - do check her out. She is funny, engaging, powerful, transformative, instructional, and paradigm-changing without pushing on your beliefs. She is, of course, a catalyst for transformation and a total delight to be around!" ALisa Starkweather
"I often recall seeing your amazing show and am again inspired!"
Charlene Costanzo author, THE TWELVE GIFTS Collection ~ books about opening life’s gifts 2014
"Dale has incredible energy, creativity and intuitive wisdom about our feminine side. Her performance, In Our Right Minds, is a historical, inspirational, and informative piece that should be viewed by every woman (and their daughters) so that we know where we come from and where we have potential to go. It is an exciting one-woman show that rivals Broadway! I also have the pleasure to work with Dale as part of the Dream Team (podcast for women). She is the quintessential professional and ignites the airwaves with her enthusiasm and zest to inspire any woman to reach for her dreams as she herself has done."
Barbara Scala, Founder, Co-Author, Sanity Savers: Tips for Women to Live a Balanced Life
"WOW!! Dale Allen was extraordinary in her presentation at the United Nations 2013 Commission on the Status of Women!! ... Although I cover some goddess/archetypal feminine material in my show, I keep it very personal, without going into the theoretical because it is very hard to keep an audience's attention with that. Not only did she have their attention doing EXACTLY THAT -- she had them RIVETED!! The entire room could not take their eyes off her". Tandava
"Was a fantastic event, fantastic gathering, and Dale, you were just superb and lovely!" Huge THANK YOU to everyone who came from near and far to see Dale Allen last night! She was extraordinary and if you ever get the chance to see her 'In Our Right Minds' Performance, GO! Beautiful work you are doing my dear Dale! We loved you in Gathersburg!" October 16, 2010 Event
Robin Rice, Awesome Women Hub
"I was there, and it was fantastic!! Drumming and Dale's amazing presentation on the feminine aspect of deity. As a theology student in the 80's, I often observed widespread discomfort when this issue was broached. Dale made the material accessible! How wonderful to participate in the awareness and celebration of spirituality that goes "Beyond God the Father," to borrow Mary Daly's words. Thank you, Dale." Mary Agner
"Only four days until Friday's Women of Intention event, and I am getting really excited! One woman from Lancaster who called today to enroll shared she had been given a Christmas gift of an "In Our Right Minds" DVD last year, loved it and couldn't wait to see Dale in person. We are all in for a great treat!" Vicki Fox Women of Intention
“Dale was terrific! Thank you so much for bringing someone of her passion and power to our area. It was a night to remember! “ Suzanne Grenager
"You are loved by the 185 women who attended Friday's Women of Intention gathering in Harrisburg, PA. The e-mails keep coming about how inspirational, educational, and thought provoking "In Our Right Minds" is. Love to see you perform this on TV so millions of people can enjoy it."
“I have your DVD and enjoy every moment of it!” Vicki Fox, Women of Intention
"In Our Right Minds laced with whit, humor, song and a wealth of knowledge about the divine feminine, captures the essence of empowerment and inspiration for all women. Dale Allen is a living Goddess!"
Barbara Scala, Co-Author, Sanity Savers, Tips for Women to Lead a Balanced Life
"Dale Allen, in her one-woman performance, is the first woman I have ever known who can define the essence of women in a thought-provoking way that empowers women while embracing men. Her message and her beauty shine from within and from without."
Arlene Scanlan, Broadway Producer, On Golden Pond, La Cage au Faux, Oleanna, How to Succeed
“Dale Allen's In Our Right Minds is a wonderful romp through ancient and contemporary feminist terrain. I didn't know for sure whether I was going to laugh or cry at different moments, but at EVERY moment I appreciated her sensibility and wisdom, her humor, and her great use of body language and nuance. A must-see!”
Vicki Noble, Co-creator of Motherpeace cards, Author of Shakti Woman, The Double Goddess and other books
"Dale Allen's In Our Right Minds is one of the best presentations at the 5th International IFLAC Pave Peace Conference in LA. All the participants were delighted by her skillful performance covering the various roles of women throughout history and in our mad world today. The show is funny, true, intriguing, thoroughly enjoyable and thought provoking."
Ada Aharoni, IFLAC President, Haifa, Israel
"Dale’s extraordinary insight and enthusiasm about women is a breath of fresh air in the 21st century! Her multi-dimensional presentation takes the audience - both women and men alike - on one of the most inspiring and empowering journeys, simply because she speaks about what is true, but too often unheard, and rarely presented in such a unique, engaging format!"
Lisa Dresdner, PhD., Director, Fairfield County Women’s Center, Norwalk Community College
"Dale Allen is the Mother’s voice, body and spirit. She is as ancient and magical as the Goddess Herself. She is helping the Mother return by awakening the memory in everyone who comes in contact with her. I laughed deeply at some points. At other points there were tears of deep reunion within myself. Dale Allen is a bright light, a magical being, a messenger, a teacher, a storyteller, a joy – she was born to be seen and listened to!" Arden Donahue, Owner, Neighborhood Yoga
“Dale Allen envelopes us in an experience of remembering that moved me beyond the dualities of our language and thought, questioned the branded lives we are marketed, and resurrected voices often silenced. This celebration returns us to the wholeness of the divine image we were all created into.”
Katherine Ott, PhD. Religious Studies at Yale
“In a left-brain dominant world, Dale leaves the audience with confidence and desire to think differently about their daily life. She inspires women and men to be leaders and have confidence in their abilities. She had the audience on the edge of their seats, and she truly inspired me.”
Chris Labelle, Principal, Six-to-Six Magnet School
“The range of material that Dale Allen examines is extraordinary and the implications of the messages of the ancient texts are profound. Her warmth, charisma and passion were so engaging, her energy so contagious; my students were very gratified by the experience. Thank you, Dale Allen for reaching them on levels that had not previously been considered nor realized important!”
Jackie Whiting, History Department, Staples High School, Westport, CT
“I was completely entranced with your performance at the Kauai Wellness Expo with Dr. Wayne Dyer. Your show is incredibly humorous and has such depth of emotion that I had tears in my eyes and laughed at the same time! I brought home your DVD and watched it again tonight. Our almost 18-year-old daughter watched it with me. She LOVED it. I’m so glad it reached her and now she’ll watch it again and again, little by little soaking it in for deeper understanding. Through your DVD, you continue to touch and inspire! Thanks for your passion and willingness to share a message so profoundly important!”
Debra Gehrke, Co-Founder, Earth Harmony
”You were most definitely the highlight of the Kauai Wellness Expo! Thank you again and again for your superb work in acknowledging, honoring and bringing forth the sacred feminine. Your amazing energy, love and inspiration are still with me. Please come back to Kauai when you can. I feel lucky and privileged to have been in the right place at the right time to see your show!”
Nola Conn
"My daughter, Jen with 'the beautiful smile' in the audience at the Kauai Wellness Expo, called me about her "life changing" experience because of you, Dale Allen. You have touched a beautiful of many, I know, but this one belongs to my daughter. Thank you from my heart and hers. Now I "see" you as she did, only I have your DVD. I have watched "In Our Right Minds," more than once and I have it loaned out at the moment. Your presentation is so empowering and from the heart. It is inspiring and down-right the most uplifting, motivational presentation I have been privileged to see and feel about the divine feminine!" Patty Allen
"Dale, it was such a joy for me to meet you at the Kauai Wellness Expo. The entire rest of the day, I felt as though I was floating on the energy from you and your inspiring presentation. Thank you for bringing your gift to Kauai. You truly radiate love, joy and beauty." Francine Snyder
“It was wonderful!!!! Dale Allen’s energy, her connection to the material and the audience, her angle... it was all so inspiring! I was enthralled and I learned a lot! She covers a hell of a lot of material! I loved the songs, too!”
Suzie Galler, Filmmaker and Founder of Esteemed Women
“Dear Dale, your work is incredible! I am so impressed! You tickled the Goddess in me, as well as the history buff and the anthropologist. What a wonderful blend of the two hemispheres of the brain! I honor your scholarship as well as your vision in bringing it all together. Thank you so much! I'm still glowing days later!”
Sharona Fein, Founder, Healing Arts Center of Connecticut
"I knew going to Dale Allen’s performance at the Kauai Wellness Expo was going to be a powerful experience, but I didn't think it was going to be life changingly powerful!" Jude Riley
“Much of Dale Allen’s performance restores the female and the feminine yet, at every step of the way, she kept us aware that these aspects are beyond gender, a part of both men and women.”
Mikab, workshop attendee
" I will see Dale Allen's one-woman show again - this time bringing a few of my married male friends! Bravo, Ms. Allen!"
Jim Aylward
“Dale Allen’s creativity and knowledgeable shine. The program was very informative as it traces the history and role of women through the ages, as well as being very entertaining. I cried, I laughed. Dale is a very talented and engaging artist as she was able to weave media, music and dance into the performance. Her warmth and the seemingly effortless transformations made for a very charming and delightful evening.” Lee Bailes, Retired Teacher
“In Our Right Minds” makes you want to question a lot of what you’ve learned in life thus far. It reminds you to be true to yourself, and not to take life so seriously!”
Cara Brook, Professional Organizer, Junior League
“The feedback on your performance was very positive - the history of women that you gave us, and how women have stood the test of time… also how men and women relate today and how this is going to change things for the future. Everyone loved the skits you did… especially ‘Someday Isle.’” Monique G. Girard, Unilever Corporation
“Dale’s one-woman show hits home for every woman, mother and daughter out there. She takes history and all its truths to present day life, opening our eyes and urging us to act on our own behalf. Dale’s insight affirms the female in our culture, reminding us of our validity and divine right to be. We take away from her performance the responsibility to raise our sons and daughters with compassion, love and the knowledge that all beings are powerful and made in the image of the divine – be it woman or man.”
C. Reigle, Mothers of Preschoolers
“Certainly, a very evocative performance. I enjoyed being awakened again to the power of women. Thanks.” Gloria Ruenitz
“Thank you for sharing your creative spirit with us. Dale, I so enjoyed your creative presentation; the research, the reading and the songs all blended so beautifully together. What a lovely afternoon! “ Aura Carr
“Thank you for the ‘In Our Right Minds’ seminar at Center for Healing and Recovery. It brought into my body the new balance of yin/yang, male/female peace.” Courtney Bolanos, EMF Practitioner
“Thank for serving such a profound experience! The ‘In Our Right Minds’ event was indeed, amazing. I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to take part in it. Dale is truly extraordinary.” Lisa Prevel
”The Saturday workshop was powerful. What an amazing blessing it was to be a part of it! Thank you for providing the opportunity to do such important inner work. I'll take your love and peace with me." Jenny
“’In Our Right Minds’ continues to haunt me and pervade my work. Thank you for sharing your wisdom. Beautiful you are. Brave. Bold. Beautiful. Simply. Thank you. Thank you. A thousand thank yous.” Natasha Raymond, Owner, YogaSpace
“What a fabulous show/lecture/comedy – with everything all woven together so beautifully! Dale Allen has such an amazing stage presence, an incredibly articulate and clear speech voice, and body language that helps to convey each point. The material was incredible! I'm so impressed with the amount of research that has gone into this. Great slides, great music, great experience!”
Laura Kara, Acupuncturist
“On behalf of the SECT Women’s Network, we thank you for your outstanding presentation “Seize Your Power, Offer Your Gifts” at our March luncheon. You brought inspiration and education, sprinkled with a good dose of fun that thoroughly engaged us. What a true delight to have found you! You touched so many women last Wednesday at such a deeply profound level. Women felt excited and transformed by your message. We wish you much continued success as you share with others your inspiring message through your very imaginative and captivating presentation.” Pat Clark, Southeastern Connecticut Women’s Network
“Dale, I thoroughly enjoyed your "Seize Your Power, Offer Your Gifts" presentation today at the Southeastern CT Women's Network Luncheon. What a joy to watch your personality and conviction shine through. Definitely a performance to celebrate! I'm sure each and every woman in the room could connect with you more than once, I connected so many times I lost count!”
Marilyn K. Dayton, Marketing Biz Professionals
"Dear Vicki, Wow, thanks for bringing such a high caliber program to Harrisburg. I usually have to go to a National Conference in some huge city somewhere to hear someone like Dale. Keep up the good work! Thanks again." Val Knisley
"I’m so glad we were able to come. My daughter and I had a great time, and she even had a slightly heated (very healthy) debate with my husband based on something he said about a piece of the artwork. It was GREAT!!!" C. Rogers
“I just watched your DVD and it beautifully connects a lot of what I’ve read and studied over the past 30 years – you put it all together! You brought tears to my eyes and a song to my heart. I laughed and cried as your gentle humor portrayed what we've lost, and how it plays out in our modern culture. Absolutely fabulous work. I would like to order an additional 10 DVDs to give to every woman I know!” Charlotte Glöde, Life Design Seminars
"Sending you blessings and gratitude for the performance you shared so lovingly and with the greatest flexibility. It was a tremendous gift to all 400 of us at ALisa Starkweather’s event in Peterborough, NH. The treasure of what you offer radiates in your heart and illuminates the minds and spirits of all who receive!" Lisa Meade, WomenWithInsight
"What a powerful event you shared last Thursday at the A.A.U.W.! In Our Right Minds left me spellbound. I was mesmerized at each story you told. I was especially transported during the last Scottish tale. I drove home and never once put the radio on. There was so much to still enjoy and smile about from your show. What a gift you have and what a treat that you are able to share it over and over and over. Please add me to your email list of calendar dates. I want my nieces to see your next appearance. You have left a lasting and dynamic impression!" Carole Wallace, Pitney Bowes Inc.
"Your presentation was incredible! I would like to receive the emails you send out once a month. Sometime when you make another presentation in Fairfield County, I hope to bring other women and hopefully my husband! Thank you for enlightening us and sharing your vast talents!" Lorraine Conway
"What a phenomenal conference call you gave us tonight on “The Prosperity Hormone” with Ellie Drake and Dr. Sugar Singleton. I have to let you know how much it inspired me! It made me get in touch with my Goddess Self again. Wow! You have really touched me deeply and I could feel your passion and energy. A few days ago, I decided to start putting on music and dancing before I go to bed. I sleep better and I feel that great Music and Dancing are very important to me. And then tonight, this so resonated with what you shared. Also, Nature has always been my teacher and you talked on this theme as well. Thank you for doing your part and awakening women all over the world to their Divine Goddess Self. You are doing your part. It is up to us to change our world and the time is NOW. You are a blessing to humanity." Beatrix Jansen, Florida
“Dale's voice along with her message help us reconnect with what is whole and powerful within us. With this call, we cannot help but find our courage to take that first step forward towards our deepest desires and biggest dreams.”
Lynette, Formula to Manifest Community
“Wow! What a powerhouse trio of BraveHeart Women on this call! Dales' confidence in her message and all that she brought to the call was impressive. I loved the way she spoke about our "magnificent soul self" and the power and beauty that comes when we step into our soul power.” Rijuta Tooker, Manifest Your Unique Greatness!
“I just had my BraveHeart morning start with the call and loved it. Such passion, power and purpose in Dale's voice and energy!”
Tina van Leuven, Ph.D., Founder Innerdelight
“Thank you Ellie and Dr. Sugar for an inspiring Prosperity Hormone call this evening with Dale Allen. She shared so many nuggets of wisdom that didn't get absorbed the first time around. So I allowed myself the time to re listen to the recording.”
Audie Perove, Kids and Pets Community
"FINALLY!... that's the one word to describe what happened in the energy exchange tonight. Dale Allen has been able, on all our behalf, to extract from the Ether our essence and sense of purpose as Women. She has crystallized it in a form for our consumption to nourish the hungriest parts of our growing selves. Acknowledgement, acceptance and activation of every aspect within us as female. This was a true CALL TO ACTION - Step up, Share Your Gift!" Amy
"Just wanted to send a quick note to say how much I enjoyed last evening's performance at the American Association of University Women. You were wonderful, and very insightful! I truly would love to take my daughter to your next lecture." Wendy B. Bortnicker
“I saw you at Alisa's B-day and was hoping you taped that... I loved the way you had to wing it in the face of all the technical difficulties! Thank you for singing your truth, displaying your power and owning your authentic self...” Kathlenn Rouleau
"Dale, thanks for All YOU do to enlighten and enliven women's lives with your workshops and connecting to other women. You are a GEM!" Jeanne Grandy
“Thank you for the wonderful performance at Green Mountain College last night. I’d seen your performance on DVD and it was SUCH a treat to experience it live! I rely heavily on my intuitive senses in both my work as a counselor and my other role as an animal communicator. Listening to you last night was both validating and rejuvenating.”
Jane Young Grillo, M.A., Counselor, Wellness Center, Green Mountain College, Poultney, VT
“The evening at Green Mountain College was wonderful. Thank you so much for making it so. Your show really struck chords with folks. For me, hearing it all for the second time, I was able to assimilate more of all that you bring to light. Very wonderful stuff!”
Shirley Oskamp, Chaplain, Green Mountain College, Poultney, Vermont
"I saw your show about three years ago for my Godmother's 50th birthday party in New York City. I was struck, moved and inspired! I am so glad that you continue to meet with success and I hope you always do. Would you be willing to do another gathering, yet this time a 'bachelorette party?'" Elizabeth Frisch, Frisch Capital Partners
"I just saw a video of your performance “In Our Right Minds.” In your own unique and wonderful way, your presentation echoes so much of what I am experiencing and the thoughts I have had. Many blessings to you, and thank you for being an inspiration!"
Felicia Ballance Berry, Rev.
“Thanks for a wonderful and community-healing performance. I appreciate your professionalism and grace. Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Kathy Smyly Miller, New Jersey Association of Women Business Owners
"Woooooow! I am very inspired by your bravery in telling a truth that has been too long silent and is in danger of being forgotten. Women (and men) all over the world have forgotten themselves and their power, spending countless hours and ineffably beating out their femininity to be more like men in order to survive in today's world... the irony being that on some level, most are failing miserably and wondering why they are unhappy and why their lives are not working.
"Thank You for your courage, beauty, light, love and joy. You have inspired me to begin digging deeper for the Truth within myself and to begin speaking and celebrating it." Susan Stackpole
“What a fabulously educational entertaining empowering experience! I loved all the multi-media weaving of facts, figures, show 'n tell, originality, props, and of course the authentic ‘Cape Canaveral’ delivery! Now, all of us from the 7th Annual Women's Health Conference" will be sharing your DVDs!” Renya Craig
“It is rare for a performance to broaden one's perspective of humanity in a positive and memorable way. However, in her show "In our Right Minds", this is exactly what Dale Allen gracefully accomplishes via comedy, music, song and storytelling. With insight and intelligence, Dale shares a joyful and optimistic perspective of the female condition throughout history. I left her show feeling uplifted, empowered and wanting to celebrate my female heritage.”
Risa Kent, Board Member, Women & Family Life Center, Guilford, CT
“I'm glad that your show was sold out - it really is a great program!”
M. Janick Ferrier Hickman, Office of Student Diversity Programs, Fairfield University
“Last night’s show at the Fairfield Museum and History Center was fun, funny, captivating!” Janet Amadio
“I have never seen so much talent in one person! ...I want my daughter to see this film."
E.P., Stage Manager for Johnny Carson for 12 years
“Dale, your art is brilliant and I know it will raise awareness, open a dialogue, and ultimately empower the young women I will be counseling. I thank you for uniquely revealing the truths of social inequality in a format that is undeniable. I look forward to presenting your DVD to my high school clients and social work colleagues.” Rachel Ford, Daughters of the Earth 2008
“I already feel stronger. It is as though I was downloaded with a new vibration when I saw your show. I actually am able to tune into this vibration and I am strengthened each time. Your work has created and is creating a strengthening life force for women.” Colette, Daughters of the Earth Gathering
“Blessings Goddess Woman! It was such a pleasure meeting you at the 2008 Daughters of the Earth Gathering. I truly enjoyed your show. The storytelling was awesome! Such wisdom and exuberance coming forth from your WombHeart! What you are doing is such an eye opener to all who have the opportunity to see ‘In Our Right Minds.’ Thank you!” Diva Mama Tonya, Womb Shaman
“Your approach skillfully bridges the gap between those who are unknowingly caught in the dominant/oppressor paradigm, and those of us who are actively dismantling that paradigm.” Serpentessa, Snake Priestess
“Thank you Dale, for coming to Huntsville, Ontario – it was such a gift! You bring a joyful tear to my eye and I keep thinking how important your message is - so many need to see and hear your work. I heard abundant compliments from so many people who attended about how moved they were, even my friends eleven-year-old daughter. I too was moved by your strength of character and your courage. It is inspiring!” Peggy Peterson, One Elemental Dancer, Ontario
“Many thanks Dale for coming to Huntsville, Ontario and sharing the knowledge that you have acquired of Women's History. Those of us who saw it are excited to share what we have learned with other women. You are an inspiring young woman and you are doing amazing work. You will change lives as you travel around 'waking people up' to what is often kept a deep dark secret. The Goddess lives in you and She will be awakened in others after hearing you speak. Bravo!! “ Pat Ainsworth, Ontario
“I want to thank you for the magnificent performance at the 2008 “Celebrating the Whole Woman Conference.” I only wish that every one of my friends could have been there to feel the passion of the performance as you told the story of women since the beginning, and I feel as though “IN OUR RIGHT MINDS” should be required viewing for all women as a right of passage to Womanhood. Your performance has touched the very core of me, and has changed me. There are no words to express what happened. It is a knowing. May you continuously be blessed and guided on your path to bring this message to men and women all over the country and free world. And I envision the whole world free. You are truly a gift to the Feminine Nature of Humanity.”
Marlene Campbell, Founder, The Ripple Effect
"Wow, Ms. Allen! I have been watching the DVD over and over and I find I’m becoming more excited, alive and empowered each time I watch it. You see, I used to let the media tell me what was acceptable as far as appearances went. I kept telling myself that the media was feeding me lies but sometimes it can get inside your psyche without your even realizing it. I am so grateful that so many changes in my consciousness are taking place. I'm 25 and I feel like I’m finally starting to live my life to the fullest. Thank you so much Dale for helping me realize how much more I have to give to the world." Alex Murray, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
“I saw Dale Allen’s performance of ‘In Our Right Minds’ at the Every Day Goddess Convention and found it very informative and inspiring. I think it is just as important for men to see this performance as well as women. The historical buildup to why we are where we are at as a species was very interesting and should not be missed.” Joel Burbach
“Wow! You really are terrific and your story is amazing. So glad you are sharing your wisdom with us all. Wish you ran this country!” Abigail Revash
“I recently attend a screening of your DVD at Northwestern Michigan College in Traverse City, Michigan, and I completely related to it and thoroughly enjoyed it. I hope to spread your word! Thank you for all your work!” Dale Knechtges
“Everyone here loved “In Our Right Minds.” They felt they learned a great deal, that you had incredible energy and knowledge, that you packed a tremendous amount into a very short time and that the time flew! It was inspiring!”
Pam Chapman, Women’s Center of Greater Danbury, CT
"I want to begin by thanking you for the message you give. I was inspired when my friend, Jane Russo played your DVD during a recent visit. We watched for a while and then paused the DVD to discuss what you had said. It was so enlightening that I left her home wanting my daughter to see your one-woman-show. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the message you spread to the world. It is important to empower women and to demonstrate that our society isn't doing what is right and good for us as women. I am grateful to have been educated in the facts of history during your DVD performance. Thank you, thank you, thank you!" ~In Peace and Gratitude~ Kimberly Gilbert
“I highly recommend you see this empowering one-woman performance! It is the historical and modern Feminine archetype like you have never seen nor heard it before! Dale Allen single-handedly brings light the internal workings women throughout history and in our modern world. In birthing this presentation, her awakened energy will put your Internal Mother in tune with your Seductress, your Goddess under the spell of your Suffragette, your Inner Masculine in toe with your Feminine. With your perspective expanded and your confidence lifted, you will be ready to face the New Year like no other!” Georgi Gala
“I viewed your DVD and wanted to tell you how very much I resonated with the passion and essence of your message. Thank you for packaging it with humor, art and for the availability of a larger audience. May many hearts be opened by your work!”
Dorathea Thompson, Psychologist and Homeopath
“I received the DVD today! Thanks for the prompt service. There are many friends that I will invite to see your visionary and transformational interpretation of history/herstory. The prayer card, "Our Mother," is greatly appreciated, also. My friend contacted you just today to purchase the DVD too. Word is getting around about your creative production. Blessings on your prophetic work.” Sheila Carlson
“Dale, you were fabulous. All in attendance: Safe Haven clients, staff, friends and family are still quoting things from your performance days later. Your passionate message stayed with me long after seeing your performance last year at the Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence Annual Meeting, and so you are the reason I wanted to plan this event for Safe Haven! We had a very successful fundraiser!” Jodi Colafrancesco, Safe Haven of Greater Waterbury
“I want to thank you for bringing your powerful performance to Waterbury, Everyone I spoke to was so impressed. Your numerous talents have produced a show that is both entertaining and educational. Your presentation was the culmination to a wonderful evening. I am hoping that we will be able to have you back again.”
Peggy Panagrossi, Executive Director, Safe Haven of Greater Waterbury
“I loved every second of the experience you provided for us!! I haven't stopped thinking about it since!!! You brought healing and closure to the evening, and empowerment (knowledge) to each and every one of us. It was amazing to see the room transform as the women relaxed into their own 'beingness.' You are a blessing to us now when we need to reawaken our feminine energies. You are an angel. Keep up the great work and may your influence be multiplied a thousand fold!”
Rose Petruzzi, Safe Haven Domestic Violence Services Fundraiser
“Thank you again! You have really got me thinking on how I, and maybe other women, can go on to rebalance our quests into the feminine/goddess side by bringing the masculine back into the equation via a healthier Christianity. I bought three of your DVDs last night, and plan to share them with the women in my monthly circle and beyond.”
Cathy Bolduc, Safe Haven Domestic Violence Services Fundraiser
“You are a wonderful testament to clear intention, smart work and networking, lots of talent – and a big heart. A fabulous formula for making in difference in a unique and fun way.” Candace Carnicelli, Director, Common Peace
"Your presentation and the stories you told were invigorating. The story about the FULL-bodied GODDESS is inspiring and liberating. The story about the seal wife is much needed. I have always felt the limitations of a patriarchal society where "take, take and take, again" and putting people into "boxes" appear to be the respected ways of life. By contrast, your stories create a sense of a world without limits - a world brimming with life, thru and thru." Eleanora Chorekchan, Queens NY
“Dale Allen’s performance is mix of storytelling, a bit of history, a slice of science, a serving of anthropology. It may raise awareness, and raise questions. It may fascinate you, or trouble you. You may agree with what Dale says, or you may take exception to it, but you will find the program thought provoking, entertaining, and an inspiration for further dialog on the topic of Women in Leadership.”
Karin Levitt, Director, Organizational Development Programs
Learning & Development, Americas Outsourcing
“I really admire what you did last night! It is so wonderful to see a person with a passion who is able to bring it to light! And such an important topic too! Very enlightening. I was so impressed with your abilities, your costumes, the slides, the music, the whole package. You keep your spirits up and engage the audience. You are a Master (or a Mistress--or how about a GODDESS!!).
Your Mom is lovely too!” Janis Bowersox, Owner, Yoga For Everybody, Fairfield, CT
"I saw you perform at Yoga 4 Everybody last night. You give the phrase "spreading the word" a whole new meaning. And praise be for sharing that message with the rest of us. Thanks again. Your energy is infectious. It was lovely to see your mother there as well. In this day and age, with a dominant culture that benefits from women divided against themselves, (like your “working v. stay at homers” analogy) it was refreshing to see an easy, affectionate and respectful mother/daughter relationship at work. So different than the conflict we've come to expect.” Meg Burdett
“You have left a creative footprint that others may enjoy and follow. Thank you for sharing your multidimensional self and displaying your soul’s essence informatively and inspirationally.” Micheal Teal, The Ancient One
"Thank you for the most interesting hour I've had at work in a long time! Your energy is amazing! I am a true believer that when people do what they truly love, they will be successful. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with our group. I made a link between your comments on the value of an MFA degree in the coming era and our focus on the need for stronger Emotional Intelligence. We are making a difference! Thanks again and continued success." Anne, Women in Leadership, CSC
“What I most admire about Dale’s work its emotional and intellectual integrity. She comes completely from her heart with a body of work that is well-researched and intellectually rigorous. She gracefully walks the line between the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine – the Ascendant and Descendant energies - and in so doing, brings back the balance that is so crucial to a healthy expression of life.” Rev. Michael Pergola, M.B.A., J.D., President, One Spirit Learning Alliance
“Dale Allen’s In Our Right Minds is wonderful. It is one of those rare times when you leave a show excited about being a woman! Through Dale’s theatric talent, the audience learns about the varying views of women throughout history. Don’t miss it, you laugh while you learn!” Linda Wolfson, Ph. D., Counselor, Coordinator of the Housatonic Community College Women’s Center
“Dale Allen, mentor, comedienne, entertainer, entrepreneur and visionary who utilizes her many talents to deliver a simple, yet timely message: if we are to survive as a species through the millennium, it is vitally important to expand our recognition of the Goddess as a primary force/participant in human affairs.” Richard Diamond, Co-Coordinator, Kauai Wellness Expo
"My husband and I loved it! Fantastic – a really good time! How nice it is to go to something and not have your intelligence insulted!" Deb Rubenstein
"In Our Right Minds heals the heart and soul of everyone who sees it. Empowerment is a divine principle for bringing peaceful relationships into our worlds. Thank you for this glorious treasure."
Dorothy Ann Cole, Educator and Holistic Healer, Divine Universal Studies
”SUPERB - Ms. Allen’s talent, wit, attention to detail, flare for the dramatic, and her beautiful presence! Overall, a really memorable performance and a strong statement about the wonderful, spiritual, earth-based force which women have, and can have in the world. Heaps of admiration!” Melissa Pavloff
“The way that Dale Allen presented the information helped me to absorb it. The whole experience reawakened, reaffirmed, and deepened the healthy part of me. I thank her very much for that.” Dick Hermenze
“I attended your performance last night and really enjoyed it. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to see such a thought provoking, fun show. When your daughter and niece joined in singing at the closing, it made me feel the same way I did when I saw the ending of “Little Miss Sunshine” - truly a celebration of spirit! I just loved it!”
Kristen McDonald, Membership Development
Junior League of Eastern Fairfield County (JLEFC)
“I was ‘blown away,’ Dale Allen is an extremely gifted storyteller. It was like reading the most interesting novel, one that you just can't put down, and it keeps getting better and better, and then it is all tied together in such a way that you feel you really received something meaningful and lasting.” Casey Donahue
“I highly recommend this one-woman show, In Our Right Minds. Dale has captured the very essence of women and women’s journeys in her dynamic and enrolling presentation - if you can slip away to attend this performance, you will be proud to be of her gender.”
Melissa L. Thornton, MBA, LMFT
“What a complete pleasure to witness the renaissance of feminist ‘give-a-damn’ that I knew and, thanks to you Dale, know I deeply love. What a gift you've woven into your production for young, old, female and male - BRAVO!!! I jumped to my feet when you finished and shouted, ‘RIGHT ON!’” Adelita Chirino
"Dale Allen’s one woman show turns the myths about women and men upside down and inside out. Her performance should be required viewing – not just for women and girls, but for men as well! Her powerful presentation is chock full of information and inspiration!" Suzie Galler, Founder and President, Esteemed Women Foundation
“Your performance is BEAUTIFUL, you are a BEAUTIFUL SOUL and like a Very Brightly Shining Sun and Moon in the Darkness of this patriarchy that we have to live in, that the whole world has had to live in for way, way, too many years that damages both males and females. Thank you, and many, many blessings to you.” Meg Palan, Advocate for the Protection and Defense of Children